Embracing Community and Advocacy

by Ashley Kittrell | Aug 12, 2020

Community is a central part of our lives during normal times. In a year filled with uncertainty and constant wondering about what will happen next, it is more important than ever to connect and lean on our communities. WSCPA members have access to a network of thousands of peers; however, limited in-person meetings and events requires creativity in how we connect with each other.

We are also flooded with new information, regulations, and changing guidelines every day, both in the profession and in our personal lives. For every question answered, there are three more. We don’t have all the answers, but members do have a space to share questions and (some) answers, concerns, and resources through various groups related to specific practice areas and topics on WSCPA Connect. Specifically, the Business Challenges Resource Group is where you can find COVID-19 specific resources, news, and relevant conversations with members.

We have spent the last few months gathering information and updates, reaching out to state and federal officials, and preparing for the upcoming months of unknown hurdles. Thank you for reaching out to ask that we work together to ensure that the services you provide are considered essential during the statewide stay home order. Thank you for working with us to reach out to state agencies, departments, and elected officials to clarify filing deadlines and address potential unintended consequences. Thank you for keeping us informed and communicating your concerns so that we can advocate on the profession’s behalf.

Please continue to reach out to the WSCPA community and share the challenges and concerns you are facing. We will do our best to find the answer, connect you with the right people, and work through the myriad issues the profession is facing.

Ashley Kittrell headshotAshley Kittrell is the WSCPA Director of Government Affairs. You can reach her at akittrell@wscpa.org.

This article appears in the summer 2020 issue of the Washington CPA Magazine. Read more here.

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