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The WSCPA will be closing early at 2:00pm on Friday, February 14 and remain closed through Monday, February 17 in observance of President’s Day.

Editorial Guidelines

Washington CPA Magazine

The Washington CPA magazine, published four times a year, provides informative articles and updates on a wide range of professional issues affecting CPAs in Washington. WSCPA members (more than 6,500) receive the The Washington CPA as a benefit of membership.

Each issue includes:

  • Feature articles (2-3) on a specific professional topic of interest to CPAs in Washington
  • Additional articles of interest to members in business and industry, public accounting, government and education
  • Updates on WSCPA programs, services and benefits
  • The CPE Digest, a listing of the Society’s live professional education programs and events


  • December 1 for Winter issue
  • March 1 for Spring issue
  • June 1 for Summer issue
  • Sept 1 for Fall issue

Deadlines that fall on the weekend or holidays are extended to the following business day.

Editorial Policy

All articles submitted to The Washington CPA magazine are reviewed by the editorial staff. Submissions that are approved for publication will be notified if accepted. The Washington CPA magazine reserves the right to reschedule publication dates or publish accepted articles in an electronic format (The Present Value Newsletter or online at

Submitting Articles

Articles should be submitted to Submissions will be considered for print and/or online publication. Articles must meet the following guidelines:

  • Submissions must be e-mailed as Word file attachments.
  • Articles should be between 500-1,500 words.
  • Include a one to two sentence summary of the article. 
  • Writing style should appeal to a wide audience; it should not be academic in tone and/or structure.
  • References should be incorporated into the article body. Do not include footnotes.
  • Authors must disclose any financial, professional or other interests the writer has in the products or services described.
  • Include author’s name, company affiliation and position, e-mail address, which will be printed at the end of published articles. 
  • Include author's photo (minimum 300 dpi at 1 inch wide x 1.5 inch high).

WSCPA Website / Blog

The WSCPA websiteprovides informative articles and updates on a wide range of professional issues affecting CPAs in Washington.

Editorial Policy

All articles submitted for online publication are reviewed by the editorial staff. The Washington Society of CPAs reserves the right to reschedule publication dates or publish accepted articles in print or alternative electronic format (The Washington CPA Magazine or The Present Value Newsletter).

Submitting Articles

Articles should be submitted to Submissions will be considered for print and/or online publication. Articles must meet the following guidelines:

  • Submissions must be e-mailed as Word file attachments.
  • Articles should be between 500-1,500 words.
  • Include a one- to two-sentence summary of the article. 
  • Writing style should appeal to a wide audience; it should not be academic in tone and/or structure.
  • References should be incorporated into the article body. Do not include footnotes.
  • Authors must disclose any financial, professional or other interests the writer has in the products or services described.
  • Include author’s name, company affiliation and position, e-mail address and social media handles, which will be printed at the end of published articles. Include author's photo (minimum 300 dpi at 1 inch wide x 1.5 inch high).