ASU 2023-01
April 18, 2023
The FASB issued ASU 2023-01 in response to feedback from private companies around the consideration of legal enforceability when leases were between entities under common control. It allows private companies and nonprofits without conduit debt to use the written terms and conditions for accounting for leases under common control.
DOR wants your feedback on Washington Tax Decisions
April 18, 2023
On Monday, April 17, the Department of Revenue began a new pilot program to allow individuals to make comments on proposed Washington Tax Decisions (WTD). This program will allow individuals to comment on proposed WTDs before they are published.
Q1 2023 in Review
April 11, 2023
Q1 2023 started off slow but ended with a burst of activity. We'll review the standards issued by the AICPA and FASB in the first quarter of 2023 including the new leases under common control standard as well as SAS 149 for group audits
Proposed Ethics Interpretation: Cheating in CPE
April 05, 2023
The AICPA's Professional Ethics Executive Committee (PEEC) has issued an exposure draft to make falsifying attendance records or sharing answers (when not permitted) in CPE an act discreditable to the profession. This expands the rules around sharing answers or requesting answers to the CPA Exam. Comments are due by May 15.
Tell NASBA Proposed Amendment to UAA Rules Should Be Expanded
April 05, 2023
On February 15, NASBA released an exposure draft of the Uniform Accountancy Act Rule 5-7. The draft proposes multiple changes, but notably would increase the amount of time that a CPA candidate has to pass all required CPA exam sections from a rolling 18-month period to a rolling 24-month period. Comments are due April 17
WSCPA Board: NASBA’s Proposed Amendments to UAA Rules Don’t Go Far Enough
March 29, 2023
The exposure draft would increase the amount of time that a CPA candidate has to pass all required CPA exam sections from a rolling 18-month window to 24 months. The WSCPA Board wants 36+ months.
FASB Issues Crypto ED
March 28, 2023
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has issued an exposure draft to address feedback from users, preparers and auditors that crypto currency disclosures needed attention. The proposal would require entities to measure crypto assets at fair value (with adjustments flowing through net income). It would also add disclosures around significant holdings, restrictions, and changes in those holdings. Comments are due June 6th!
Supreme Court Upholds Washington Capital Gains Tax as an Excise Tax
March 24, 2023
On Friday, March 24, 2023, the Washington State Supreme Court upheld the capital gains tax. In a 7-2 ruling in the Quinn v Washington State case, the majority ruled that the capital gains tax is an excise tax and is, therefore, legal in Washington State. Since it was ruled an excise tax, they did not weigh in on the constitutional questions.
Legislative Session Update
March 21, 2023
The WSCPA has been closely watching two bills, one that would replace the B&O tax with a margin tax, and a potential wealth tax bill. Mike Nelson shares an update on whether these bills are expected to move forward in the legislative process.
SAS 149
March 20, 2023
The AICPA has issued SAS 149, Special Considerations — Audits of Group Financial Statements (Including the Work of Component Auditors and Audits of Referred-to Auditors), which supersedes extant AU-C 600. The SAS is effective for audits of group financial statements for periods ending on or after December 15, 2026.
Proposal for International Non-Profit Accounting Guidance
March 13, 2023
Taking a big first step towards a global nonprofit accounting framework, IFR4NPO has issued the first of 3 expected exposure drafts for public comment. The exposure draft addresses scope and basic framing for the development of a new global framework for nonprofit organizations. Comments are due March 31.
International Women's Day - Women in Leadership Panel
March 08, 2023
In celebration of International Women's Day and Women's History Month, Kimberly Scott, WSCPA President & CEO, recently caught up with three amazing women CPAs to learn more about their professional journeys.
FAF Rolls Out Free Access to Codification & GARS
March 06, 2023
GLS is very excited about the recent roll out by the Financial Accounting Foundation (FAF) of its free (and enhanced) access to the FASB Codification and the GASB's Governmental Accounting Research System. This makes accessing and researching accounting more accessible especially for smaller entities to comply with the standards.
Meet the Nominees for the 2023-2024 WSCPA Board of Directors
February 28, 2023
The Board of Directors is pleased to announce the nominees for the Society's 2023-2024 Board of Directors. All nominees will be declared elected by the secretary at the annual meeting unless other nominations, supported by at least one percent of membership, are received by April 1, 2023.
OMB Proposed Changes to 2 CFR
February 27, 2023
The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) provided notice of Request for Information (RFI) and notification of proposed guidance to 2 Codes of Federal Regulation (CFR). The OMB, through the RFI and the proposed rule revisions, is seeking to harmonize the regulations of federal grants and agreements to improve efficiencies, allow for greater transparency, and create a more effective process for both grant recipients and federal agencies. Feedback on the guidance and revisions to 2 CFR are due on or before March 13, 2023.
FASB Affirms Changes to Leases (Topic 842)
February 21, 2023
On February 15, 2023, FASB affirmed the proposed changes to Topic 842, Leases for related parties under common control. The Board unanimously affirmed a practical expedient for private entities & nonprofits without conduit debt under common control arrangements to allow these entities to use the written terms and conditions of their leases to apply Topic 842.
Proposed SBITA Implementation Guide Question
February 13, 2023
The GASB has exposed one additional question related to cloud computing arrangements and the scope of GASB 96. The question provides guidance on how to evaluate cloud computing arrangements in the context of a SBITA. Comments are due March 10, 2023.
Proposed Changes to Yellow Book
February 03, 2023
GAO has issued a proposed update to GAGAS. The main changes include, similar to the AICPA, a movement to quality management and a more risk based approach to quality and quality reviews. They also provide application guidance around key audit matters. Comments are due by April 28, 2023.
New Rule: Sit for the CPA Exam at 120 Hours
February 02, 2023
At its meeting on January 27 in SeaTac, Washington, the Washington State Board of Accountancy adopted a rule that allows candidates in Washington to sit for the CPA exam after having earned 120 semester hours. This rule change does not modify the 150 hours required to be licensed as a CPA.
Test Blog
February 01, 2023
Test Description