Taking a Step Back from Busy

by Jen Mueller | May 23, 2018

Member Insights from Naomi Gerbatsch

There’s always a lot on your plate, but during the busy season the workload can be exponentially greater. Between deadlines, meetings, commitments it’s easy to get locked in on work responsibilities and forget about agreements you made with yourself.

It might seem like the most productive people just put their head down and focus on work, but CPA Naomi Gerbatsch doesn’t see it that way.

“One busy season I developed the habit of devoting the first hour of the day to my personal health by going to the gym. That way the remainder of my day, it’s work and family.” Gerbatsch says. “I felt energized mentally and physically, so the routine stuck. Therefore, most weekdays I start the day with exercise.”

Maintaining that personal commitment allows her to maximize the time she spends in front of her computer, which she tries to stay away from on Sundays.

“During the winter my go to is skiing. My husband and I like to hit the slopes on Sundays during busy season.” Gerbatsch says. “Being away from technology and screens while surrounded by nature gets me reenergized for the week ahead. When the snow has melted, we like to go kayaking. Essentially, I like to stay away from computers in my spare time.”

Gerbatsch knows there’s always work to be done, but won’t let it dominate her schedule 7 days a week. Taking a step back from the busyness that dominates her schedule most days is the most productive way for her to handle the workload. As a senior tax accountant for Sweeney Conrad, Gerbatsch helps clients navigate U.S. and international tax waters. It’s anything but dull or mundane as some people assume.

“The most common preconceived notion I hear about our profession is that tax accounting is boring,” Gerbatsch says. “I see tax accounting more like puzzle solving, in which the individual pieces come together to complete a tax return.”

At the end of the day, Gerbatsch doesn’t see her job as number-crunching, but as a way to connect with people, guide them through the tax process and serve as a resource throughout the year.

“Despite the numbers, tax accounting is a people business. An important part of our job is to guide our clients through their tax dealings, whether it is helping them gather their tax documents or following up on a notice.”

In addition to ongoing interactions with clients, Gerbatsch encourages conversations with colleagues. In her view, sharing knowledge to teach and train others makes everyone better. That, and time spent away from the busyness of work.

Thank you, Naomi, for allowing us to learn from you and for the reminder to schedule personal time into even the busiest of days.

Jen Mueller headshotJen Mueller is a veteran sports broadcaster and the founder of Talk Sporty to Me. She is an expert in business communication and can be contacted at Jen@TalkSportytoMe.com.

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