Your WSCPA Membership Could Save Your Life

by Roo Mulligan | Jan 29, 2020

If you are like countless other people around the world, you made New Year’s Resolutions to get healthier and maybe even lose a little weight. You came up with a plan to eat more vegetables, cut back on sugar, and sweat it out several times a week.

But did you know that you are already a step ahead just because you are a member of the WSCPA? “How can that be?” you may be asking yourself.

Well, membership brings well-being. Belonging to a group and feeling as if you are not alone gives you psychological as well as physical health benefits.

A CNN article, The Importance of Belonging, by Amanda Enayati reports some fascinating information from social psychologist and Stanford assistant professor Gregory Walton who has designed a “belonging intervention”. When applied, this intervention lets people know:

  1. You are not alone
  2. You belong
  3. And it gets better

“Our interests, motivation, health and happiness are inextricably tied to the feeling that we belong to a greater community that may share common interests and aspirations,” writes Enayati.

Walton’s studies have shown that when people feel a sense of belonging it can increase motivation and continued persistence, even on impossible tasks.

Being a part of a community removes feelings of isolation. When we feel alone and disconnected we experience stress.

Seventy-five to 90 percent of all doctor’s visits are for stress-related illnesses such as headaches, high blood pressure, skin conditions, depression, and anxiety.

Some of the many benefits of belonging include:

  • Enhanced self esteem
  • Improved self-concept, self-worth, and self-confidence
  • Improved trust in others
  • Continued ability to maintain structure in life
  • Provided life purpose

To deepen your connection to fellow WSCPA members and increase your community connections, here are some ideas to help you get involved:

  1. Join a committee or resource group. Find all of your options in the Community section here.
  2. Attend some of your chapter events or attend a conference. Find all of your options here.
  3. Sign up to be a scholarship reviewer. Learn more by emailing
  4. Come to the Annual Meeting on June 4, and learn more about the profession and what your membership organization has been up to for the past year.

We are cheering you on as you continue your new healthy habits and reaching for your resolution goals and want you to know that you are already well on your way by being a part of the WSCPA.

You have 7,000 other CPA and accounting professionals to back you up.

Roo MulliganRoo Mulligan is WSCPA Manager of Member Engagement. You can reach her at

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