Proposed Changes to the Uniform Accountancy Act’s Model Rules

by WSCPA | Nov 29, 2022

A&A Today: Presented by the WSCPA and Galasso Learning Solutions

NASBA is proposing changes to Rule 5-7 Retake and Granting of Credit Requirements related to the CPA exam. The date from which credit is calculated varies among the jurisdictions and with upcoming changes to the exam, NASBA is looking to streamline and provide for potential delays that may come out of the changes. Comments are due December 12, 2022.

Do you agree with the changes to the 18 month window?

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Melisa Galasso headshotWith over 15 years of experience in the accounting profession, Melisa Galasso designs and facilitates courses in advanced technical accounting and auditing topics, including not-for-profit and governmental accounting. She closely monitors regulatory bodies for changes in auditing and accounting guidance and serves as a subject matter expert in implementing the updated guidance.

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