5 Ways to Makeover Your To-Do List

by Jen Mueller | May 02, 2018

Not all lists are equal. Anyone who has ever compiled a to-do list knows the truth behind that statement. Making a list of things you need to accomplish can be a constructive way to increase productivity -- if there’s a strategy behind what’s on the list and when it needs to get done.

If you tend to create a lengthy, laundry-list of items without specificity or priorities, it’s probably not doing you as much good as you think. If your list never gets shorter, or completed, try using these tips from WSCPA members to formulate a more detailed to-do list and increase your productivity throughout the day.

  1. Be selective about what makes the list.
    If you are a list person, you know there’s a temptation to add things to the list just to experience the thrill and satisfaction of crossing them off your list. That approach could backfire during your busy season or particularly overwhelming days. That’s why Molly Andler, CPA, thoughtfully considers what she writes down. “To start every morning I make my list of what I want to accomplish for the day and make these goals reachable. Meaning, I don’t make the list too long,” Andler says. “If I complete the list, then I move on to additional items in my office. This helps me keep on track of my daily priorities and builds confidence after checking off each item on my list.”
  2. Be specific in the action needed.
    Joe Smith, CPA and Chief Financial Officer at Gonzaga University, is a list person. On occasion he writes things down that he already accomplished just so he can cross it off. His most productive list-making habit, however, is writing down specific actions he needs to take for each task. “I try and unbundle projects into tasks,” Smith says. “I try not to list 'XYZ Project', but instead a task or two that will help make progress on a project”.
  3. Reevaluate often.
    Just because something lands on your list doesn’t mean it has to stay there. CPA Allison McClure, a senior in Peterson Sullivan LLP’s audit practice, regularly reevaluates and rebalances her schedule which can also shift the items on her to-do list. “This enables me to stay focused on important ASAP items, better set and communicate expectations, and identify areas where I should potentially be reprioritizing my time,” McClure explains.
  4. Avoid procrastination.
    Jillian Robison, CPA, a tax manager at Eide Bailly LLP, won’t let something linger on her list if it takes a relatively short time to complete. “If something will take less than five minutes, just do it,” Robison advises. “We receive so many emails, calls, texts, etc. through the day that I can easily get lost in all the to-do lists and email flags. It is nice to just handle something if it will go quickly, even if it is out of ‘last-in, first-out’ order. Plus, I really like the psychological boost I get from crossing something off the list.”
  5. Include personal and professional goals.
    If you want to be productive in all areas of your life, expand your list to include goals or a focus outside of work. If they are prioritized and treated like other items on your list, you’ll be more likely to spend time working on them as CPA Stephanie Artino, owner of Artino Advisory Group PS, discovered. “I use a daily planner that not only outlines my schedule for that day but helps me prioritize my top three items each day,” Artino says. “I also list what I’m going to stop doing, what I want to change, and what I’m grateful for.”

Assess your list-making process and use these tips provided by WSCPA members to help makeover your lists. When you do, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to cross “be more productive” off your to-do list.

Jen Mueller headshotJen Mueller is a veteran sports broadcaster and the founder of Talk Sporty to Me.She is an expert in business communication and can be contacted at Jen@TalkSportytoMe.com.

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