WBOA Announces CPE Summary Upload Feature Is Live
December 20, 2022
The Washington State Board of Accountancy (WBOA) announced today that a CPE summary upload feature has gone live on the WBOA service dashboard via SecureAccess Washington (SAW). Any licensee can now upload CPE from a pre-formatted CSV file into the state’s CPE Tracker, which is mandatory for license renewal.
AICPA Expresses ‘Deep Concerns’ Regarding Form 1099-K Reporting Threshold
December 19, 2022
The de minimis threshold for information reporting was lowered as part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, and will substantially increase the number of Forms 1099-K required to be filed with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and furnished to recipients by third-party settlement organizations and their electronic payment facilitators.
Proposed Changes to Peer Review Standards
December 19, 2022
The AICPA has issued proposed changes to the peer review standards. The proposal is filled with several technical corrections and wording changes with the intent to improve clarity of existing standards. Comments are due January 31, 2023.
GASB Proposal – Implementation Guide 2023
December 13, 2022
GASB has issued nine questions for public comment that relate to leases, SBITA and accounting changes. The implementation guidance which would be issued in 2023 would be authoritative interpretations of the related standards. Comments are due January 20, 2023.
Proposed Changes to Lease Accounting (Topic 842)
December 06, 2022
FASB has proposed changes to Topic 842, Leases for related parties under common control. The proposal would change the evaluation of the lease term for private entities under common control to allow the use of what was in writing. The proposal would also change the amortization of leasehold improvements for all common control entities including public entities. Comments are due January 16, 2023.
Hill Day 2023
December 01, 2022
Join us in Olympia on January 19 for one of the year's most important advocacy events. This upcoming legislative session will be the first in-person session since 2020 and will be our first Hill Day in three years due to COVID-19.
Proposed Changes to the Uniform Accountancy Act’s Model Rules
November 29, 2022
NASBA is proposing changes to Rule 5-7 Retake and Granting of Credit Requirements related to the CPA exam. The date from which credit is calculated varies among the jurisdictions and with upcoming changes to the exam, NASBA is looking to streamline and provide for potential delays that may come out of the changes. Comments are due December 12, 2022.
Risks and Opportunities for the CPA in Client Bankruptcies
November 29, 2022
Economists warn that a fiscal storm is brewing, with prolonged recession the likely result. Bankruptcy filings seem imminent, and there will be a growing need for CPAs to assist their clients in financial distress. CPAs should be aware of key issues and opportunities when their clients face Chapter 11.
Foundation to Grant up to $30,000 to Improve Diversity in CPA Pipeline
November 22, 2022
The Washington CPA Foundation is accepting applications for its 2023 grant program. This will be the sixth award cycle for the Washington CPA Foundation grant program, which aims to improve the diversity of the CPA pipeline in Washington.
Membership Benefits
November 21, 2022
The best things in life are not free—they are priceless. Here are the free perks included with your membership. Utilize your benefits and see how far they can take you.
5 Mistakes to Avoid When Implementing the New Lease Standard
November 16, 2022
While many are tempted to delay addressing the new lease accounting standard until the last possible moment, your life will be easier if you learn what to do—and what not to do—sooner rather than later.
Technical Q&A (TIS) Section 250: Ethics
November 15, 2022
The AICPA has issued 3 new questions and answers around the implementation of the new Information System Services interpretation which will be effective in January 2023. The interpretation has been delayed twice—first due to COVID and then due to concerns around implementation.
Joint Venture Accounting
November 07, 2022
The FASB has proposed a new standard that is intended to reduce diversity in practice related to joint venture accounting at inception. When items are contributed to a joint venture, the proposal would require the use of fair value of the items contributed. The proposal also includes new disclosure requirements. Comments are due December 22, 2022.
Your WSCPA Benefits: Advocacy to CPE
November 07, 2022
While the value of the Society is different for everyone because of what resources they utilize, Sara Bailey, CPA, Board Chair, shares a few reasons why she personally values the WSCPA.
A Margin Tax for Washington: Where Are We Now?
October 31, 2022
The Tax Structure Work Group is considering recommending that the legislature replace Washington State's B&O tax with what many are calling a Texas-style margin tax. How close is this to becoming a reality? Mike Nelson, WSCPA Manager of Government Affairs, takes a look at the current state of the margin tax proposal.
Ethics Technical Correction: 529 Plans
October 31, 2022
The initial guidance for 529 plans was issued back in 2005. Since then, there have been significant changes to how plans are run. The AICPA's Professional Ethics Executive Committee had received feedback and in the Work Plan looked at reevaluating the area. In September 2022, they issued a technical correction to make the safeguard easier to apply for holders of 529 plan investments.
ASU 2022-04
October 24, 2022
FASB has issued a new ASU relating to supplier finance programs. Prior to this ASU, there were no explicit disclosure requirements and users requested more understanding of these types of financing. The new ASU provides disclosures to provide more insight for financial statement users.
Q3 2022 in Review
October 11, 2022
Quarter 3 of 2022 is in the books. Find out which accounting and auditing (and ethics) standards were issued by standard setters this past quarter.
Washington CPA Foundation Scholarships Now Open!
October 11, 2022
Washington CPA Foundation scholarship applications for the 2023-2024 academic year are now open! Whether you’ll be a first-year college student in fall 2023, a PhD candidate, or anything in between, there is a scholarship waiting for you.
ASU 2022-03
September 26, 2022
The FASB has issued ASU 2022-03 which is a niche standard providing clarification around restrictions on sale and their impact on the determination of fair value. The standard also includes an update to an illustration and new disclosure requirements.